Academic Progress Update: Homeschooling 9th Grade

Our favorite high school math, + dual enrollment updates

Welcome back to our homeschooling journey! It's wild to think that 3.5 years ago, I embarked on a unique educational adventure with my 9th grader, tailored to her interests and learning needs. 

This blog post serves as a mid-year checkpoint, offering a glimpse into the progress, challenges, and adaptations we've encountered. 

Homeschooling is a dynamic and evolving process, and we hope our experiences provide insights, encouragement, and practical ideas for those on a similar path. 

Join me as I reflect on our achievements, adjust our strategies, and continue to learn and grow together in this personalized educational journey.

Achievements and Challenges

Embracing the Unexpected: Navigating Learning Disorders

Our homeschooling journey has been an eye-opener, especially with the recent diagnosis of a visual processing disorder for my daughter. These discoveries have been pivotal in understanding some of our struggles and shaping our approach moving forward. While challenging, these diagnoses provided "ah-ha" moments, guiding us to more effective teaching strategies and resources. They've also reinforced our educational methods' importance of patience and adaptability.

Academic Triumphs: Celebrating Success in Dual Enrollment

A significant highlight of this year has been my daughter's remarkable achievement in her first dual enrollment class. Despite being just 14, she tackled her first course, Career Exploration (CEP100), which covered complex topics like the great resignation and diversity in the workplace, contributing to her earning an A grade and 3 college credits. This experience wasn't just about academic success; it was a significant learning curve, offering lessons in resilience and adaptability. Her success in this challenging environment is a testament to her hard work and our homeschooling flexibility.

Shifting Passions: From Gymnastics to Competitive Cheerleading

Transitioning from gymnastics to competitive cheerleading marked a significant shift in my daughter's extracurricular activities. This change reflects her evolving interests and the dynamic nature of growing up. Seeing her embrace a new sport with enthusiasm and dedication has been inspiring. 

Concurrently, she's been cultivating her creative side by developing a website portfolio for interior design, showcasing her diverse talents and interests outside the traditional academic realm.

Curriculum Insights

Our experience with Chemistry in the Kitchen from Guest Hollow has been a mixed bag. The literature-heavy approach posed significant challenges, revealing that this method was ineffective for my daughter's learning style. We've had to scale back on substantial reading assignments and focus more narrowly on key content areas, ensuring a better alignment with her needs. I've added hands-on activities like cooking labs and the Happy Atoms game.

On the flip side, the Denison Algebra 1 program has been a resounding success. The concise video lessons and workbook format have resonated well with her, providing a clear, structured, and engaging approach to mathematics. This program has been such a lifesaver - after trying at least five previous programs, I expect we will stick this one out to College Algebra.

Refining Our Approach: Introducing New Learning Tools

We've made some strategic additions in our quest for the ideal curriculum. 'Essentials in Writing' was introduced to bring clarity and structure to our writing curriculum, mirroring the successful format we found in Denison Algebra 1. We will be testing it out this spring, hoping it can be another program that takes us through to graduation.

Additionally, we enrolled in an Outschool class called High School Visual Lit, which combines literary analysis with visual diagramming, enhancing comprehension and engagement in a sketch-noting format. These changes reflect our commitment to finding resources that cater to academic needs and suit our daughter's unique learning style.

History Comes Alive: A Blend of Reading and Visual Learning

Our approach to history has been effective. By combining weekly Visual History classes (similar to Visual Lit) with reading, documentaries, projects, and current events, we've created a rich, multi-dimensional learning experience. This blend of visual and textual content has made history more accessible and engaging, demonstrating the value of a diverse and well-rounded curriculum in facilitating a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.

Balancing Parental Roles

Juggling Business and Homeschooling: A Parent's Challenge

The recent expansion of my business has introduced a new layer of complexity to our homeschooling routine. Balancing professional responsibilities with the demands of educating my 9th grader has required significant adjustments. In some ways, we got a little behind (although there is never a behind in homeschooling). This situation has underscored the importance of time management and organization for the entire family in ensuring a smooth educational journey. 

Despite these challenges, we've strived to maintain a consistent learning environment, demonstrating that juggling entrepreneurial pursuits and a robust homeschooling program with dedication and flexibility is possible.

The Art of Role Switching: Teacher, Parent, Supporter

Navigating the roles of teacher, principal, and parent in a homeschool setting can be a delicate dance. Each day, I transition between these roles, aiming to provide the right mix of guidance, discipline, and support. Role-switching isn't always easy, but it's crucial for maintaining a healthy family dynamic. As we end each homeschool day, I consciously try to switch off 'teacher mode' to ensure that our parent-child relationship remains nurturing and distinct from our educational interactions. This separation helps to keep our family bond strong and prevents the blurring of lines between education and family life.

Student's Growth and Independence

Cultivating a Productive Workspace

This year, we made a strategic change to enhance our daughter's learning environment by creating a workspace in my office. This shift from her bedroom to a shared professional space has profoundly impacted her focus and productivity. Being in a dedicated work area, surrounded by the hustle of everyday business activities, has helped her develop a more disciplined approach to her studies. It's fascinating to see how a change in environment can positively influence mindset and work ethic.

Embracing Responsibility and Accountability

My 9th grader's growth in terms of responsibility has been remarkable. She's adapted to her new workspace and taken greater ownership of her educational journey. Managing her coursework with minimal supervision, she's shown impressive self-discipline and time management skills. This level of independence is especially commendable, considering the additional challenges posed by her learning disorders. Her ability to stay focused and on track in a more autonomous learning environment is a testament to her maturing approach to education and personal development.

Family Dynamics in Homeschooling

Homeschooling has opened doors to unique family bonding and learning opportunities, notably through our travels. Our trip to Hershey Park wasn't just fun; it was a hands-on educational experience where the girls learned about chocolate making and its fascinating history. 

During our business trip to Jacksonville, FL, they saw the professional world, observing teamwork and communication in a natural office setting. They interacted with our video production and social media teams, gaining insights into various careers. These trips highlight how homeschooling can extend beyond textbooks, offering real-world learning experiences that are both enriching and memorable.

Strengthening Bonds Through Shared Learning

Despite the challenges, homeschooling has brought us closer as a family. Learning together, discussing various topics, and collaborating on projects have enriched our family life, providing shared experiences beyond traditional parent-child interactions. These learning moments foster a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and interests, strengthening our bond. This journey has shown us that while homeschooling requires a delicate balancing act, it can also be a powerful tool for building more robust, more connected family relationships.

Goals for the School Year's Second Half

Staying on Course: Academic Objectives

As we embark on the second half of the school year, our primary goal is maintaining focus and adhering to our reorganized class schedule. This involves diligent planning and execution to ensure all subjects are covered comprehensively by the end of May. Staying on track is crucial to meet our educational objectives while accommodating our daughter's unique learning needs and pace.

Well-Deserved Break: Planning for Rest and Refreshment

Looking forward to the end of this academic period, we aim to conclude our homeschooling year by Memorial Weekend with 2, 1-week breaks in February and April. This planned downtime rewards hard work and allows our family to relax, rejuvenate, and spend quality time together. It's essential for maintaining a healthy balance between academic rigor and personal well-being, allowing us to return refreshed and ready for the next educational year.


As we reflect on our homeschooling journey thus far, it's clear that flexibility, adaptability, and understanding are vital in navigating the educational path we've chosen for our 9th grader. This mid-year checkpoint has reinforced the importance of tailoring education to fit individual needs, the value of perseverance through challenges, and the joy of celebrating successes. To fellow homeschooling families, remember that each step of this journey, with its ups and downs, contributes to the unique tapestry of your child's learning experience. Embrace each moment, learn from the challenges, celebrate the achievements, and most importantly, enjoy the rich and rewarding path of homeschooling.


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